
Showing posts from November, 2020

Christopher the Christmas Tree.

                                    Christopher the Christmas Tree. This is a heartwarming animated tale that has a wonderful story that has  a happy ending. There isn't a lot of Christmas movies about Christmas  trees these days but I think there should be cause it is great story telling  and if there are anymore they need to see this movie cause it set a  standard of how stories should be told. So, with that, lets get to the  story  shall we: In the Valley of Hidden Hollow is Christopher, the tallest, prettiest  Christmas tree who has been passed over by family after family,  Christmas after Christmas. Still, he dreams of being a beautiful one, even  though he had grown too big to fit into anybody's home. All grown up, he  is able to provide shelter to his many forest friends and Hootey the owl.  And before the story is over, Christopher, Hootey, and all the children of  the world learn that dreams really do come true at Christmas. Two different endings were filmed: One with

O' Christmas Tree.

                                              O' Christmas Tree. This movie shows that if you believe hard enough and your surrounded  by friends you can become anything you want to. All the little tree wants  is to be a beautiful Christmas tree and with help of her forest friends she  gets to live out her dream even if it isn't in a home like the bigger trees  get to  experience but it's even better cause she is surrounded by the  animals that love her. So, with that, lets get to the story shall we: This tale is set in a snowy forest on  Christmas Eve  where a forlorn pine  tree feels she is too homely to ever realize her dream of becoming a real  Christmas tree. With the help of a comical baby bear, a happy go lucky  squirrel, a cynical nutcracker, and a host of other forest critters, as well  as a visit from the big guy Santa Claus, the little tree discovers the true  beauty of the true spirit of Christmas shines from within your heart.

We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

                                   We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Who doesn't like Christmas carols? These three kids come up with a  Christmas present for the town that welcomed them and what is better  than singing Christmas carols. It is a wonderful story with really well  done animation, if you haven't seen it yet, look it up and see for your  self.  So, with that, lets get to the story shall we: In the tiny town of Harmony, the people have been working so hard  they've forgotten music even exists! Then, three determined little  orphans set out to find a gift they can give the hardworking townsfolk.  And with a little night before Christmas advice from kindly Mrs. Santa  Claus, they give the town the most amazing present anyone could  imagine: Christmas caroling!

The Story of Santa Claus.

                                          The Story of Santa Claus. There so many movies about Santa Claus but none really tell the story,  this one has a really good story of how he met the elves and how  Christmas came to be, if you want to watch a really good story with  great  animation this movie is for you. So, with that, lets get to the story  shall we:  The story opens in "Europe, a long time ago". Nicholas Claus, nicknamed  "Santa" by  his wife  Gretchen, is a toymaker who wishes he could give a  toy to every child in the world. It's explained that Nicholas grew up in  the  Angel's Island Orphanage, where he taught himself to make toys for  the other children. However, Nicholas is now in debt because he gives  away more toys than he sells. The Clauses are subsequently evicted by  their greedy landlord, Mr. Minch, who subsequently forces Mrs. Claus to  surrender her wedding ring as "payment". Now penniless, Nicholas and Gretchen decide to t

Annabelle's Wish.

                                                  Annabelle's Wish. I have been waiting to write about this movie cause it is so beloved by  everyone and I wanted to get it right like I did with Elf On A Shelf.  Annabelle is a cow that has a huge wish of becoming one of Santa's  reindeer and she proves that no matter what kind of animal you are your  dreams can come true if you wish hard enough. I know she waited all  her  life to become a reindeer but Santa had to be sure she was right for  the job and just when she was about to give up, on Christmas eve her  wish came true. So, with that, lets get to the story shall we: The film is narrated, and begins with  Santa Claus  delivering presents  on  Christmas Eve . In the fictional rural farming community of  Twobridge,  Tennessee , a  calf  is born on Christmas Eve, which the  narrator says is a night made for wishes. Charles Baker lives on a farm  with his  mute  grandson Billy, who is friends with a girl named Emily.  When Cha

The Town Santa Forgot.

                                        The Town Santa Forgot. This was a huge hit, everyone loved the story and for me the animation was great  for when it was made plus have the great Dick Van Dyke voicing it made it that  much better. So, with that, lets get to the story shall we: On a snowy Christmas Eve, a pair of anxious young children eagerly  anticipate the arrival of Santa Claus and the gifts that they will be  receiving. Taking notice of this, their elderly grandfather narrates a  poetic fable with the intentions of educating them on the true nature of  the holidays. The tale details the life of an outrageously overindulged, bratty 5-year- old named Jeremy Creek, who is excessively spoiled by his mild and  intimidated parents, flinging himself into destructive and violent temper  tantrums when his demands are not met. After his parents decide to  stand their ground by refusing to dote on their son any longer, an  infuriated Jeremy, recalling the upcoming Christmas season, dec

Jingle Bells .

                                                                        Jingle Bells. I really enjoyed this movie, it shows just how strong family can be when  you have to sell something just to make sure you have toys for your kids  for Christmas but turns out the only thing they want is there horse back.  It is a great movie, I really hope you watch it, you will glad you did. So,  with that, lets get to the story shall we:  As the holiday season draws near, an underprivileged family begins to  worry because they don't have enough money to buy each other  presents. The father sells the one thing the rest of the family cares most  about in order to buy them gifts from the store, and holiday suddenly  seems like the most unhappiest time of the year. But, with a little  Christmas magic and some help from Santa Claus, the whole family  realizes the best gifts don't come from the store, they come from the  heart.

Christopher & Holly, The Bears Who Saved Christmas.

                Christopher & Holly, The Bears Who Saved Christmas. This is a great little movie filled with adventure. You will love it, if you  haven't seen it before you should find it and watch it. So, with that, lets  get to the story shall we:  Sometimes wishes really do come true...especially when you have a  couple of magical teddy bears named Christopher and Holly! Join these  two adorable bears on their adventure to save Christmas for Tom and  Suzie, two children stranded in a deserted cabin with their parents  on  Christmas Eve . Will Christmas pass them this year? With the help of  their new friends, Flashy the Flashlight, Charlie the Compass, Bobby  Bucktooth, and Black Bart, the teddy bears go out into the woods in an  attempt to bring Christmas to the children. But there's one catch: the  bears are only real until morning! Will they have enough time to finish  their task? Find out for your self and check it out. 

Elf: Buddy's Musical Christmas.

                                   Elf: Buddy's Musical Christmas. I love stop motion animation movies, they bring me joy and they make  me forget about how messed up the country, hell the whole world is  right  now. A good movie can make you feel better, I really hope you try  it, rent or buy this movie and if you already own it find it and press play  and see if it makes you feel better cause it dies work for me. So, with  that, lets get to the story shall we:  Santa   narrates the story of Buddy's travels to New York City to meet his  father. Along the way, his unrelenting cheer transforms the lives of  everyone he meets and opens his father's eyes to the magic of the  holiday.  Much like its live-action counterpart, the story is about a human  named Buddy who was raised by elves in Santa's workshop after  accidentally crawling into Santa's knapsack as a baby. Upon discovering  his true heritage, he embarks on a journey to New York City to reunite  with his fathe