Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.

 A book written by Robert Lewis May in 1939 as an assignment for Chicago-based Montgomery Ward, little did he know it would become the most beloved Christmas story of all time. The story chronicles the experiences of Rudolph, a youthful reindeer buck who possesses an unusual luminous red nose. Mocked and excluded by his peers because of this trait, Rudolph proves himself one Christmas eve with poor visibility due to inclement weather after Santa Claus catches sight of Rudolph's nose and asks Rudolph to lead his sleigh for the evening. Rudolph agrees and is finally favored by his fellow reindeer for his heroism and accomplishment. To this day it is my favorite movie I watch year round and never get tired of. It's one of those movies that creates joy and spirit that no matter how bad things are there is always a light at the end of the tunnel no matter what color it is. 


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