The First Christmas: The Story of the First Christmas Snow

                The First Christmas: The Story of the First Christmas Snow.

A young shepherd, Lucas, is blinded by lightening, and some kindly nuns 

at a nearby abbey take him in. Sister Catherine  describes snow to Lucas, 

who has never seen it. Lucas gets chosen to play an angel in the abbey's 

Christmas pageant, and the Christmas snow that falls during the pageant 

works a small miracle  giving Lucas his sight back and he finally sees his 

first snow. This movie is a little faith based and it fits perfectly cause 

what is Christmas all about it's the celebration of the birth of Christ. So if

you are into that I implore you to rent of buy this movie and watch it

for your self and let me know what you think of it, for me I loved it as I 

do with every Rankin/Bass movie. Now days we all could use a little 

Christmas spirit like Lucas and Sister Catherine plus he has an adorable

dog and who doesn't love dogs am I right, so watch it and come back 

and leave me a comment on what you thought of it. Thank you for 

reading my blog. 


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