Life with Louie, "A Christmas Surprise for Mrs. Stillman"



                                            Life with Louie, 

                         "A Christmas Surprise for Mrs. Stillman"

This is one of my favorite Christmas episodes and yes I know I say that a lot but I have a lot of favorites and to tell you the truth all of them are my favorites but this one is in my top 3, Louie Anderson knows how to create, write and make amazing stuff plus he is one of the funniest guys on this planet, every episode of Life with Louie is amazing and it was said about 10 years ago that it was coming to dvd box set but it never happened not sure why but I hope one day us fans get it cause I know the first day it comes out it will join my massive movie and T.V. show collection and it will fit right in. I wish this show was still around and maybe someone day we will get a reboot of it, I don't know about you but I would love to see and hear Louie Anderson again. You can find some episodes on that is where I watch them all the time, I do have a few vhs tapes and books I know some of you are asking what vhs tapes are, haha, they are what us old farts had back in the olden times lol, but I hope you get to watch this show it is really well made and the animation is great for it's time and everyone that knows me, story and animation have to go together or it wont work for me. This show gets my A++++++++++ rating which for me is the biggest thing on my rating list. So, with that, lets get to the story shall we: 

Comedian Louie Anderson tells a story of one Christmas when he was a kid, growing up in Wisconsin, and how he and his dad brought Christmas cheer to a woman who appeared to have none. Now Christmas was rolling around and everyone but Dad was in the spirit. They go out and buy a Christmas tree - for $35. Then Dad literally throws lights on the house. Mom notices elderly neighbor Mrs. Stillman, who's widowed and all alone, so Mom talks Dad into decorating her house for her while Mom takes her out. Dad has Louie help him. He's hounded by cops and neighborhood kids who take him for a burglar, but soon they help out as well. Mrs. Stillman loves the surprise, and so when January comes around, guess who Dad nominates to help him take down the decorations.

I have added the link to the episode on youtube so you can go watch it, you will love this show, it is heartwarming and very very funny. I thank you for reading my post and hope you come back for more, I will be covering a few more Life with Louie episodes so stay tuned. I will see you all in the next one. 


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