LIFE WITH LOUIE, 

                                       FAMILY PORTRAIT.

Louie learns one of his friends is an orphan and invites him to his house for Christmas. Louie's friend Teco comes to Louie's house for Christmas after Louie finds out he's an orphan and doesn't have parents of his own. 

The story starts out with Louie's dad Andy Anderson giving them a 5 dollar limit. Later Andy comes to school dressed as Santa Claus much to the dismay of Tommy Anderson, Louie's little brother, Andy Claus is forced to sing a song, he says, I think you got the wrong jolly, fat man, lady. I'm no Burl Ives, Tommy then says, where are our presents Santa, then all the kids pile of Andy Claus. Later Louie's mom Ora tells Andy he has to dress as Santa for the orphanage and he complains about it and to me this is the best line in the episode, Louie says, Geez, Dad, have a heart and with the greats comeback, Andy says, I gave it to the Tin Man. I laughed for so long after he said that. The episode ends with Andy singing the twelve days of Christmas in the only way he knows how,

 On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: twelve migraine headaches, eleven children screaming, ten hour work days, nine neighbors suing, eight dogs a-barking, seven chores awaiting, six repairmen pounding, five years till I kick, four utility bills, three mortgages, two weeks off a year, and a wife to stand by me throughout it all, ah, I should've been a singer. 

Louie Anderson really knows how to make a wonderful show, I hope everyone goes on youtube and watches this episode cause it really is a good one. 

I hope you enjoyed my little "Rambler" lol on this episode, please come back for another episode, I will be covering another one of Life with Louie in my next post. Thanks for reading.  


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